God did not forget me.

God healed me of disappointment during the Revival 25 conference. I went through a season of immense disappointment about 7 years back, and some of the issues from that resurfaced in the weeks before the conference and during the conference as well. During some of the worship times during the conference, I said to God, "it feels like you have forgotten me".

On the last night of the conference, Banning spoke about his last time at Catch The Fire, which was at the Freshwind conference 8-9 years ago. I was there that day at Freshwind when he shared the vision he had of Jesus marking people in the room with a big R on their chest, which stood for "revivalist". At that Freshwind 8 years ago or so, I cried out to God with all my heart to mark me too - to not pass me by, but to make me a Revivalist too. It is a moment I can honestly say I had not thought about in 8 years.

As Banning began to share about Hannah, and how God remembered her, I felt Him say to me, "See, I remember that night, even if you have forgotten; I remember you; I have not forgotten." It was a powerful moment for me. Thank you for all the work all of you did to put on this enormous undertaking of an event; I am always amazed at how God manages to meet everyone right where they are, with exactly what we need. Thank you for being a part of that.

-Submitted Anonymously, Feb 2019

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